With industry support organizations and on the basis of external financial support
December 18, 2018
The Global Wind Industry Shipping and Logistics PhD research project started in 2013 and the project came to an end academically when Thomas Poulsen was bestowed his PhD degree from Aalborg University during the autumn of 2018.
Throughout the research project lifespan, great interest in the research was logged by industry partners. Some industry partners participated actively in the research project by granting case study access or being part of interviews as well as workshops. Others joined some or all of the 10 research project Reference Group meetings, attended the three “Energy & Transport Summit” conferences, and/or were present during the August 21, 2019 PhD defense session which took place at the Ørsted premises in Gentofte, Denmark.
The research project produced a total of 9 peer-reviewed academic outputs made up of 8 scientific journal articles and 1 PhD thesis. The feed-back from the majority of the industry partners was that whereas this output did a great job to satisfy the academic obligations of the research project, the academic writings were, by many, considered challenging to read in formats that were often not conducive to the typical industry audience. Therefore, the idea was conceived to “translate” the key conclusions of the PhD research project into more understandable language and portray the key conclusions and outcomes in an up-to-date and more user-friendly format.
An application for funding support to write a total of 8 such “brief reports” as a project was crafted for the Danish Maritime Foundation (“DDMF” or Den Danske Maritime Fond). Many industry partners wrote letters of support for the project and these letters were attached to the application once submitted. Approx. 50% of the funding support applied for was finally obtained and subsequently, it was decided to go ahead and write/publish the 8 brief reports. It was understood that the consulting and advisory company of Thomas Poulsen, Panticon, would sponsor the remaining costs.
The 8 brief reports are now ready for download. As had been originally intended, the download is available free-of-charge. The outlet of the distribution is the Panticon website.
Sign up HERE to get your free copies of the 8 brief reports summarizing the key conclusions of the 2013-2018 Global Wind Energy Shipping and Logistics PhD research project.