September 8, 2021
Levelized cost of energy for offshore wind has been subjected to substantial reductions in recent years and this has made offshore wind a cheaper energy form compared to most alternatives. Two offshore wind farms with no government subsidies are under construction in Europe – in Germany and the Netherlands respectively. Thomas Poulsen believes that this will spur the interest of policy makers in less developed offshore wind markets and that more countries are therefore likely to begin investing in offshore wind. Based on the developments in Europe, countries increasingly see offshore wind as ‘free’ steps towards a green transition.
Europe sets a clear example for the rest of the world, in terms of how a green transition can be achieved. As does Denmark specifically, being one off the largest players within the offshore wind industry.
Managing partner of Panticon, Thomas Poulsen, was recently interviewed by the Danish magazine, Maritime, regarding Europe and Denmark’s role in the green transition of the energy sector.
Additionally, he speaks on the difficulties that the rapidly growing industry puts upon the underlying supply chains in relation to shipping as well as logistics.
NB: The article starts on page 4. It is in Danish and can be accessed for free.